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Gridly Translation Management System (TMS) helps you manage localization projects with a centralized approach. This step-by-step guide will help you create and configure all components of a translation project in Gridly TMS. Before you begin, please follow the TMS Setup guide to get everything is ready.
Step 1: Set up your Project
Project is the highest-level unit in Gridly TMS. Setting up a Project will give you a place to:
- Store and manage all your translation work
- Store shared materials such as reference files, glossaries, non-translatable lists, Translation Memory (TM)
- Define translation and QA settings
Create a Project
Switch to the TMS module:
- In Gridly Project Dashboard page, click on Content next to the Gridly logo.
- Select TMS from the dropdown list.
- In TMS Module, select Projects tab from the left-hand side menu.
- Click New project.
- Fill in project details:
- Project name
- Due date
- Assignee
- Priority
- Description
- Click Save.
Configure Project settings
- Inside a Project, select Settings tab.
- In Project settings, you can find settings:
- Project details: Configure project name, assignee, due date, priority, description.
Localization setup: Incorporate Gridly localization features into your Project to improve translation speed and quality.
- Master TM: Select a Translation Memory to be used.
- Use working TM: Enable working TM for the Project.
- Auto ingest new translation text: Toggle on to automatically create new entry in the TM with new translation.
- Translation status for target cell: Select the translation status for target cell after it's auto-populated with TM entries (Out-of-date, Up-to-date, Unset).
- Glossaries: Select glossaries to be used.
- Non-Translatable: Select a non-translatable list to be used.
Quality assurance: Select quality assurance models for your Project. Gridly can help you identify localization errors by checking translations against the rules in these models.
- Auto QA model: Select an Auto QA model
- LQA model: Select a Linguistic Quality Assurance (LQA) model
- LexiQA model: Select a lexiQA model
- Click Save to save your Project settings.
Add reference files to a Project
Reference files are shared resources that everyone in a Project can refer to in order to complete their tasks. Add reference files to your Project with these following steps:
- Inside a Project, select References tab.
- Click Add new file.
- Click Choose file and select a file from your computer.
- Fill in file description (optional).
- Click Add
Step 2: Set up Categories
Category is a grouping unit within a Project for easier management. With Categories, you can:
- Group related Jobs with common characteristics
- Add Category-level shared resources: reference files, glossaries, non-translatable lists, TM
- Specify requirements for Jobs under it
Create a Category
- In a Project, select the Categories tab.
- Click Add category.
- Fill in Category details:
- Name
- Category type:
- Gridly TMS translation: Use Gridly CAT tools for translation.
- memoQ integration: Use memoQ for translation. You need to set up memoQ integration first.
- Phrase integration: Use Phrase for translation. Set up Phrase integration to use this feature.
- Source language (single choice)
- Target language (multi-choice)
- Assignee
- Priority
- Due date
- Workflow templates (multi-choice)
- Description
- Click Save.
Configure Category settings
- Clicknext to Category's name.
- Select Custom category.
- Configure your settings then click Save.
If Category type is memoQ integration, you can edit memoQ integration settings:
- Default memoQ project to push
- Import filter
- Create new filter
- Use existing filter
If Category type is Phrase integration, Phrase integration settings will be available:
- Default Phrase project to push
- Push Up-to-date records: By default, Out-of-date and Unset records will be pushed to Phrase. Select this option to push Up-to-date records as well.
- Default regular expression to convert to Phrase tags
- Default delivery status from Phrase: single-selection, this will map to Phrase job status
- Default workflow step from Phrase: multi-selection, this will map to workflow steps in Phrase
Category settings will be prioritized over Project settings. If Category settings are unset, Project settings will be applied.
Step 3: Set up Jobs
Jobs help you manage individual translation assignments. Every Job created will be automatically broken down into Tasks, which can then be assigned to appropriate vendors.
For each Job, you can analyze the effort needed, pre-translate content using translation memories and machine translation.
There are 2 ways to create Jobs:
- Uploading a file in TMS
- Pushing a Grid from Content module to TMS module
Create a Job from file uploading in TMS
- Inside a Category, click Upload file.
- Select a file from your computer to upload (supported file types: po, csv, pdf, docx, html, xliff, srt).
- Fill in Job details:
- Job name: Set as file name by default
- Description
- Workflow: Select one from Category's workflow list.
- Assignee
- Due date
- Priority
- Target languages: Category's target languages will be selected by default
- File import setting: Each file type will have its own import setting
- Click Next to preview the Grid before importing.
- Click Complete.
- Wait for the process to finish. Click Manage job to see the newly created Job.
Create a Job by pushing a Grid from Content module
Only translation Grids (with language columns and dependencies) can be pushed from Content module to TMS module.
- In the Grid you want to push to TMS, click on the icon on the right-hand side toolbar.
- Click Push to TMS.
- Configure these settings:
- Source language
- Target languages: Each target language will create a Task for the Job.
- Source status to import: Only records with the selected status will be pushed to TMS.
- Select other columns (optional)
- Select TMS Project
- Select TMS Category
- Select workflow
- Click Push.
Export files from Jobs
For Jobs created by uploading files, you can export files as followed:
- From Job list under Category, select the Job you want to export by clicking Job name.
- Click.
- Select the file to export:
- Export target files
- If target text empty:
- Replace with source text (default)
- Leave blank
- Select target languages
- If target text empty:
- Download source file
- Export target files
- Click Export.
Pre-Translation in Jobs
Pre-Translation is a beta feature that helps you auto-populate your Grid with matching Translation Memory entries and fill in the rest with Machine Translation.
In TMS, Pre-Translation can be applied for a Job to pre-translate its Tasks. From Job list under Category:
- Select the Job you want to export by clicking its name.
- Click on the button.
- Select Pre-Translation Wizard.
- Follow this guide to configure Pre-translation Wizard.
Translation Analysis in Jobs
Use Translation Analysis to get an overview of the effort needed to translate all Tasks in a Job.
- Select the Job you want to export by clicking its name.
- Click on the button.
- Select Translation analysis.
- Follow this guide to interpret the analysis.
Configure Job settings
- Select the Job you want to export by clicking its name.
- Click on the button.
- Here you can customize:
- Job name
- Description
- Assignee
- Due date
- Priority
- Click Save.
Step 4: Process and deliver Tasks
A Task is part of a Job and also the lowest-level unit in TMS. Tasks are assigned to vendors (translators, proofreaders, etc.). Assignees can work on Tasks using Gridly CAT tools or other third-party CAT tools and deliver completed Tasks.
Tasks in TMS are automatically generated when you create a Job, based on the number of target languages and the chosen workflows. For example, a Job under TEP workflow consists of 10 tasks:
- 5 translation tasks for each of the 5 target languages
- 5 proofreading tasks for each of the 5 target languages
To see all Tasks in a Job, click on Job's name.
Click on the corresponding cells to change Task properties:
- Priority
- Assignee
- Status
- Due date
There is also a summary of to be translated word count, completed word count, completed word percentage.
Important: To get the latest statistics about your tasks, click the Refresh button.
Use Gridly CAT to work on Tasks
If Category type is Gridly TMS translation, click on Task name to open Translation Workbench in Gridly.
Use memoQ to work on Tasks
If Category type is memoQ integration, you can push Tasks to memoQ for translation.
- Click and select Push configuration.
- Configure these settings:
- General info
- Filename: If left blank, original filename will be used.
- memoQ project (follow Category settings)
- Source language.
- Target languages.
- Other columns.
- Import filter for memoQ (follow Category settings).
- General info
- Click Save configuration.
- Click Push to memoQ.
- Refresh the project page in memoQ, your Tasks will appear under Translations tab.
When you have finished the translation in memoQ and delivered the file, translated content will be delivered straight to the corresponding Gridly TMS Task.
Click on Task's name to review delivered content from memoQ. Note that this file is read-only and cannot be edited.
Use Phrase to work on Tasks
If Category type is Phrase integration, you can push Tasks to Phrase for translation.
- Click Phrase management and select Push configuration.
- Configure these settings:
- General info
- Filename: If left blank, original filename will be used.
- Phrase project (follow Category settings)
- Source language
- Target languages
- Other columns
- Convert to TMS tags (follow Category settings)
- Delivery status
- Workflow steps
- General info
- Click Save configuration.
- Click Push to Phrase
- Refresh your project in Phrase. Your Tasks will appear under the Jobs section.
You can deliver completed translation from Phrase and view them in Gridly as a read-only file (similar to memoQ).
Deliver finished Tasks and Jobs to Content module
If a Job is created by pushing a Grid from Content module, you can deliver it back to the original Grid by clicking Deliver job > Deliver. Deliver individual Tasks by clicking theicon on the corresponding row.
Delivered content will not be imported into the Grid immediately, you can review the content delivered from TMS and decide whether you want to import it to your Grid.
- In the Grid you pushed to TMS, click on the icon on the right-hand side toolbar.
- Select the Pending deliveries tab to view deliveries from TMS.
- You can select one of these actions:
- Import: Import the content of the delivery to the Grid.
- Review import: Open a detailed view of the delivered content.
- Reject: Reject the delivery.
Step 5: Manage everything with TMS Dashboard
To view TMS Dashboard, switch to the TMS module and select TMS Dashboard from the left-hand side menu.
The default TMS Dashboard provides a comprehensive view of your localization projects through 4 main sections:
Category Summary
- Displays your categories in terms of Name, Description, Assignments, Priority, Due Date, Created Date, Source Language, and Target Languages.
Project Overview
- Shows localization projects with detailed information including assignees and priority levels
- Tracks project creation and due dates
Task Board
- Lists individual translation tasks with progress tracking
- Shows key metrics including:
- Target Language Code
- Words Completed
- Words Total
- Word Completion Percentage
- Priority Level
- Status indicators
- Links to associated job files
Job Tracker
- Provides details for jobs with source and target language pairs
- Displays job status, priority, and assignments
- Includes file references and default settings
You can also create your own custom TMS dashboard to your preferences. Learn how in this guide.