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      Thy Nguyen

      Updated on September 13th, 2024

      Table of Contents

      What are Tags

      Tags are non-translatable text which can be used to represent variables, special formatting, formal names, code, etc. Tags are used to maintain the formatting or internal code (like index entries or cross-references) of the original document, so the translators won’t translate them by mistake. 

      Tags can only be detected when they are used in Localization data type columns. The detected Tags will be highlighted in both the Source language and Target language columns. 

      Using Tags in Grid


      Tags can only be detected when dependencies are set between languages.


      Tag setting is disabled by default. To enable Tag setting: 

      • Click mceclip0.png in the upper toolbar of the Grid.
      • Click the toggle to Enable Tag detection.
      • Choose how you want to detect Tags by selecting the appropriate option. See in Tag detection options

      Tags should be copied from source to target to ensure formatting and variables are preserved correctly. Press Ctrl + Shift + C or click mceclip1.png in target to copy content from source.

      When there are missing Tags in target text, Gridly will inform users and suggest adding the missing Tags. To insert Tags:  

      • Switch to Missing Tags tab in the suggestion pop-up.
      • Double click, or click image__1_.png to insert.

      Similarly, when there are Tags in target that are not found in source, Gridly will highlight the incorrect Tags in red, and missing Tags will appear in the suggestion pop-up.

      Filter Tag errors

      You can use Quick filters or View filters to filter out tag errors in the Grid. 

      Filter tag errors with Quick filter: 

      • Click under a target language column to open the column filter.
      • Hover over Tag in the dropdown list. 
      • Select Error found to check which records have tag errors, or No error found to check which records have tags but no errors.

      Filter tag errors with View filter: 

      • Click mceclip1.png on the toolbar, then click Add condition group. 
      • Select the target column where you'd like to check for tag errors
      • Select Check tags as the operators
      • In the ‘Value’ field, select Error found to check which records have tag errors, or No error found to check which records have tags but no errors.

      Tag detection options

      There are three ways to detect tags in Gridly:

      1. Auto detect with Gridly
      2. Detect with RegEx
      3. Detect with Custom Tags

      Auto detect with Gridly

      Gridly will automatically detect the tags in the Source Language column. This option is selected by default when Tag detection is enabled. Available tags for Auto detect with Gridly are:

      Name Description Examples
      Rails i18n Rails i18n style placeholders %{count}, %{username}
      Gettext Python Gettext placeholders (python-format) %(count)d, %(username)s, %(foo)
      C-Style C-Style format with and without positions %1$s, %2$d, %d, %@, %1%@, %1$#@file@, %#@file@, %1$i, $%1$.2f, %.0f%, %ld, %c, %hi, %lu
      .Net C#-Style .Net C#-Style format {0,10:C}, {0}, {1:hh}
      Simple Message Properties Simple Java Message Properties {1}, {count}d, "{brackets}"
      Single Percentage Placeholder with single enclosing percentage signs %abc%
      Double Percentage Placeholder with Double Percentages %%abc%%
      Dollar Style Placeholders with opening and closing $ signs. $bc$, $.abc$, $!abc$, $+abc$, $-abc$, $-+.!abc$
      NSIS Placeholders with starting $ and closing/opening (curly)brackets. ${StdUtils.TrimStr}, $(StdUtils.TrimStr), ${String}
      Razor Markup Placeholder to highlight C# Razor expressions without code blocks @DateTime.Now, @(DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromDays(3))
      Android XLIFF placeholders Placeholders with opening <xliff:g> and closing </xliff:g>, e.g. for use with AndroidXml. <xliff:g>%1s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="star">★</xliff:g>
      OASIS XLIFF placeholders Placeholders with closed tag <x id="YOUR_ID">, e.g. for use with Angular2. <x id="id" example="name"/>, <x id="id"/>

      Detect with Regex 

      • Select Detect with Regex.
      • Input the regular expression. For example, Tags with opening and closing curly brackets {}  will be detected with Regex by filling in \{[^\}]+\}.


      If you want to detect multiple tags with Regex, you can use group matching ("|") and join them together.

      For example, you can detect these tag [], <>, {} with Regex:



      Detect with Custom Tags

      You can import a list of Tags or create Tags directly in Gridly in Localization settings. Only users who have the appropriate permission can add, edit or remove custom Tags. See in Manage Custom Tag list 

      Create a Tag list

      1. From the Homepage, click mceclip0.png next to the company name and select Localization settings from the drop-down menu. 
      2. Select Custom Tags in the left pane.
      3. Click Create a custom tag list.
      4. Enter the tag list name and click Create.

      Add Tag

      1. Click on the tag list you want to edit.
      2. There are two ways to add new tags:
        • Click mceclip4.png  to import if you have a CSV file.
        • Click Add Tag if you want to create new tags directly in Gridly. Input Tag value and click Add.

      Detect with Custom Tag

      1. Select Detect with Custom Tag in the Tag setting. 
      2. Select the Tag list you want to use.

      Manage Custom Tag list


      Owner and Admin users have appropriate rights for managing Custom Tags by default. To grant the ability for other custom roles, please refer to this article: Manage Company Roles.


      In the Custom Tags page, click mceclip1.png  to the right-hand side of the tag list. From the drop-down list, select:

      • Tag list name to rename the Tag list
      • Update Tag to update existing Tag list by importing CSV files.
      • Export Tag to export the Tag list to a CSV file
      • Delete Custom Tag to remove a Tag list from Gridly. 

      Search for a Tag list by name using the search bar:

      Manage Tags in a Custom Tag list

      On the Custom Tags page, click on a Tag list to view all the Tags. Similar to Manage Custom Tag list, you can also search, import, export, delete and add Tags.

      Edit Tag by clicking on a Tag and and click Save to confirm change.

      Delete Tags by clicking the checkboxes to select the Tags you want to remove, and then click mceclip3.png.

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