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      Translation Memory (TM)

      Thy Nguyen

      Updated on July 27th, 2024

      Table of Contents

      Translation Memory (TM) is a database that stores previously translated segments of text, allowing translators to reuse them in future projects. 


      Access to Translation memory (TM) is permission-based (refer to Roles and Groups).


      How does TM work in Gridly?

      To be able to use a Translation Memory, make sure you've set up localization columns and dependencies in your Grid.

      Each time you edit a cell in the target language, it’s saved in the assigned Translation Memory database for further use. This is also applicable to importing a file with source and target languages. 

      Auto-populate TM texts

      When you input text in a source language, Gridly automatically detects identical sentences and suggests previously translated texts. 

      Translations from the TM databases will have the TM icon at the corner of the cell. To accept the proposed translations, right-click the cell and select Approve TM text  from the drop-down list.

      Manually apply TM texts

      For existing strings, Gridly makes suggestions once you start editing the target language column. 

      Apply TM text to all records in the Grid

      Apply TM terms from the assigned Translation Memory to the current Grid immediately. 

      1. Open a Grid,  then click image4.pngon the toolbar. 
      2. Select Synchronize TM from the dropdown list.Select_localization.png
      3. Make sure you're in the Fetch from current TM tab.
      4. Select source and target languages to update.
      5. Click Apply TM.

      Translation memory (TM) settings

      On the project page,  click the menu icon next to your company name, select Localization settings, and select Translation memory, or open this URL: 

      Create a new TM database

      • From the Translation memory page, select + Create TM at the top right of the page.
      • A new translation memory will appear. Rename the translation memory as desired.

      Assign the TM database to a project

      To be able to apply terms in a TM database to a Grid, you must assign that TM to a project. In the Translation memory setting page, click Assign this TM to a project and select a project from the drop-down list. 


      If you don't assign a TM to a project, it will use the Default TM. 


      Add and edit terms to TM database

      You can add terms to a TM database by: 

      Import terms 

      In the Translation memory setting page, click Import TM next to the desired TM. Supported file types are: TMX, CSV, and XLSX.  

      Update TM from a Grid

      Add the translations in a Grid to the TM by: 

      1. Open a Grid,  then click image4.pngon the toolbar. 
      2. Select Synchronize TM from the dropdown list.Select_localization.png
      3. Make sure you're in the Update current TM tab.
      4. Select source and target languages to update.
      5. Click Update TM.

      Edit TM terms

      • Click the menu icon on the right-hand side of the TM you want to export, and select Open TM editor. 
      • Select the source and target language you want to edit, then click Open Editor.
      • Search for terms in the source language using the search bar.
      • Click next to the term to edit this alternative. Once done, click Save. 
      • To add new TM terms click Add
      • To remove some TM terms, click the checkbox to select the terms and click .

      Customize TM settings

      Click on the left of a TM to open Translation memory settings: 

      • Activate TM
      • Auto ingest new translation text
      • TM fuzzy match setting
      • Translation status for target cell
      • Reference Record ID when fetching TM

      Export TM

      • Click the menu icon to the right-hand side of the TM you want to export, and select Export TM.
      • Select the TM export file type (TMX, CSV, XLSX).
      • Select the source & target languages you want to export, then click Export.

      Clear TM

      Click the menu icon to the right-hand side of the TM you want to clear, and select Clear TM.


      This function erases all of the translation data within the selected TM and cannot be undone. We recommend exporting the TM to create a backup before clearing (refer to Export TM section in the article).


      Along with Translation Memory, you can use a Glossary to keep your translation consistent and translate faster. Explore the help article about Glossary usage here

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