Translation Overview is available for both the CMS and CAT modules.
Translation Overview provides you a detailed report about translations. It serves as a useful tool to keep track of progress and stay informed about the current status your translation project.
CMS module
In a Grid, click thebutton on the right hand side toolbar to bring up Translation Overview.

CAT module
In the CAT editor, click the button on the top toolbar to open Translation Overview.

Understanding Translation Overview
In this, you will find 2 categories:
Source language: Reports the status of source language.
- Not ready for translation
- Ready for translation
- Locked

Target language: Reports the translation status of target languages in terms of records and words.
- Up to date
- Out of date
- Unset

Hovering over the bars will provide you a detailed breakdown of each measurement.

After making changes in the Grid or the CAT editor, click Refresh statistics for the latest report. This will update your Translation Overview with the latest calculations.
To see an in-depth report, click More detail.

Please note that tags are not included in the word count of Translation Overview.