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      Manage members in your company

      Thy Nguyen

      Updated on July 27th, 2024

      Table of Contents

      Invite members

      • Click the Invite Member button.
      • Enter the email address, then press Tab, Space, or Enter to validate.
      • Once done, click Add.

      For detailed information on how to set up administrative roles and permissions, check here: Inviting members and setting up the permissions 

      Member settings

      To access the member page, open or: 

      • Click the menu next to the company name and select Company Settings.
      • Open the Members tab in the left pane of the Dashboard.

      The Members page displays your members' information and includes: 

      • User name and email
      • Company role: define a user's rights, including whether a user can invite other members, see billing information, etc. 
      • Language pairs: When a user is assigned a specific language pair, the user can only view and edit that language pair in the project. 
      • Groups: If assigned to a group the user can access the specified projects/databases and shared views assigned to that group.
      • Active status: whether a user's status is active, inactive (deactivated), pending invite, pending approval.

      Use the filters at the top of the page to filter members by Role and/or Status. Click on the search bar at the top right of the page to quickly find a member.

      Edit Member information

      Change company role, groups, language pairs

      • Click mceclip1.png next to a name and select Edit.
      • Make changes to the Company role, Groups, Language pairs as desired. Click Save to confirm changes. 

      Change project role

      Edit a member’s project role for each project they have access to (based on the Groups they are a member of):

      • Click mceclip0.png to expand a member's information. Click on the to view the projects that the members can access and their project roles.
      •  Assign a role in each projects for your member.

      Deactivate a member

      To deactivate a member, click mceclip1.png next to a deactivated name and select Deactivate member, then click Deactivate to confirm changes. If a member is deactivated:

      • Their data will still be accessible in the company settings.
      • They will no longer be able to access this company in Gridly.
      • Their API key will be deactivated

      Delete a member


      You must deactivate before deleting a member. Deleting a member is an action that cannot be undone.


      To delete a member, click mceclip1.png next to a name and select Delete member. Click Delete to confirm deletion.


      Transfer ownership

      Assigning a member to be the company's Owner can only be done by the current Owner. To transfer ownership: 


      Transferring ownership is a one-way street. You cannot undo this action.

      • Access the Members tab under Company settings.
      • Click mceclip1.png at the right side of the member name and select Transfer ownership.
      • Enter your user password to confirm changes.

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