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      Automation action: Send a Slack message

      Thy Nguyen

      Updated on April 10th, 2023

      When creating an Automation with the “Send a Slack message” action, a Slack message will be sent to your selected channel whenever the Automation runs successfully. 

      If you are not familiar with creating an Automation, please view the following article: Creating an Automation 


      After creating the Automation, you need to configure the trigger and action. In this example, we’ll create an Automation that sends a message to the Slack channel when a string in the source language column is edited.

      Add “Record updated” trigger 

      1. Click Add Trigger, then select “Record updated” from the dropdown list’
      2. In the Watching columns section, select the Source language column (Source_enUS).


      Add “Send Slack message” action

      1. Click Add Step and select Send Slack message in the list of actions.
      2. Input your Incoming webhook URL:
        • If you do not have one, you can visit this article to create a Slack app and get the webhook: By doing this, you are creating an app that acts as a person who will send the message to the specified channel you want.
        • Or you can Install the custom integration created by Slack Incoming Webhooks here and get the Incoming webhook URL. Please note that this is an outdated custom integration.
      3. (Optional) Input Channels (split channel by comma) For those who are using Slack Incoming Webhooks, you are able to send messages to other public channels. image2.png
      4. Customize Payload: Payload is how your message is formatted and sent to the channel. To customize the payload/message:
          • Click the toggle to turn on Advanced mode 
          • You can visit this article: Slack - Block Kit Builder to learn how to customize an advanced payload. Our default payload would be something like this: image5.png

      My message would be like:   


      Test Automation

      1. Switch the toggle on to turn on the Automation
      2. Click Test Automation. If your Automation is not turned on, Gridly will require that you turn on the Automation in the resulting pop-up message. Click on the toggle to turn on and select Test again.
      3. (Optional) Change the name of your Automation by clicking on the top-right corner.


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