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      Translation Analysis

      Thy Nguyen

      Updated on October 4th, 2024

      Analyze the time, cost and effort required to translate your content using Translation Analysis. This feature provides data on the number of segments, words, characters, repetition rate and existing translation memories (TMs). You can also download the report and analyze the data yourself.

      Translation analysis is currently in Beta. We would love to receive any feedback here.


      To use Translation Analysis:

      1. Translation Analysis is only available for Grids with language columns and dependencies. Click on the button at the top toolbar and select Translation analysis.
      2. If you have multiple source languages, select one from the list. 
      3. In number detection, select how the numbers should be counted:
        • Do not count numbers
        • Count each number as 1 word, 1 character
        • Count numbers as words
      4. Click Run.
      5. You'll see a breakdown of segment, word, and character counts. To download the report, click Download.

      There are 4 key metrics:

      • Total: The total number of translation units in the Grid.
      • New (<50% matching): The number of translation units that do not have a match in the assigned translation memory (TM).
      • Repetitions: The number of translation units duplicated in the Grid.
      • Fuzzy (50-99%): The number of translation units that are similar, but not identical, to TM matches.

      For more detailed reporting, click Show detail result toggle.

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