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      Billing overview & managing your subscription

      Thy Nguyen

      Updated on July 27th, 2024

      Table of Contents

      Gridly billing basics

      1. We offer a 14-day Pro plan free trial. The trial starts as soon as you create a Gridly account and set up your company. When your 14-day Pro trial expires, you will simply be reverted to the Free plan. You can either upgrade your account to one of the paid plans or stick with the free features of the Free plan.

      2. Plans in Gridly are per Company, not per account. You can create multiple companies and upgrade one company.

      3. You'll be billed upfront. You always pay for Gridly at the start of your billing cycle. If you make changes in the middle of a billing cycle, we'll prorate how much you're charged, so that you only pay for what you actually used. These prorations will be applied at the start of the next billing cycle. 

      4. Billing is based on the number of seats, not team members. Each team member must have a seat. As you adjust your team size, you may have more seats than team members until you invite more members to your instance. 

      Monthly and yearly billing

      Monthly billing

      Monthly payment

      You're billed for your plan each month on the day you originally upgraded to the Professional or Enterprise plan.

      For example: If you started your plan on January 1, 2024, you'll be billed on the 1st of every month.


      Adding seats

      When you add new seats beyond your current allocation, your next monthly bill will include: 

      • The monthly renewal fee for your plan.
      • An additional charge for each new seat, calculated from the date the seat is added.

      For example:  If your Professional plan renews on March 1 and you add a new seat on February 15 at a rate of €35/seat/month, you'll be charged €18.60 for the seat. This is calculated as $35 divided by 30 days, multiplied by 16 days (February 15-30).


      Removing seats

      When you remove a seat, your next monthly bill will include: 

      • The monthly renewal fee for your plan.
      • An adjusted charge for the removed seat.

      For example:  If your Professional plan renews on March 1, you add a new seat on February 15 and remove it on February 19 at a rate of €35/seat/month, you'll be charged €5.83 for the seat. This is calculated as $35 divided by 30 days, multiplied by 5 days (February 15-19).


      Yearly billing

      Yearly payment

      You're billed for your plan once a year on the day you originally upgraded to the Professional or Enterprise plan.

      For example: If you started your plan on January 1, 2024, you'll be billed on the 1st of every month.


      Adding seats

      When you add new seats beyond your current allocation, you'll be charged the annual price and an invoice will be sent to you. You'll only be billed for the new seats for the time left until your yearly renewal

      For example:  If your annual plan renews on January 1, 2024, and you add a new seat on November 1, 2024, at a rate of €348/seat/year, you'll be charged €59,1 for the seat. This is calculated as $348 divided by 365 days, multiplied by 62 days (October 1, 2024 - January 1, 2025).


      Removing seats

      When you remove a seat, you'll receive a credit for the time the seat was unused. This credit will be applied to your next billing cycle.

      For example: If your annual plan renews on January 1, 2024, and you remove a new seat on March 1, 2024, you'll receive a credit for the unused time until January 1, 2025. 


      Manage your subscription plan


      Only Owner or customized company Roles that have the Manage billing rights as Owners can access Billing options. Learn more about Company Roles here.  


      View your subscription plan 

      Manage member seats

      • Open Billing overview.
      • Click Manage member seats in the Subscription detail section.

      Add seats

      • Click to increase the number of seats.
      • Click Purchase.

      If you invite more members beyond the current number of seats, your billing will be automatically updated. You'll receive a confirmation pop-up:

      Remove seats

      • To remove seats, you first need to deactivate members. The number of seats needs to be greater than the number of active members.
      • Click to decrease the number of seats.
      • Click Purchase.

      Manage billing information


      Only Owner or customized company Roles that have the Manage billing rights as Owners can access Billing options. Learn more about Company Roles here.  


      Download monthly statement/invoice

      You can find all your invoices and receipts in the Billing menu. You'll also receive invoices and receipts in your Gridly billing email. 

      • In the Company settings, open Billing → Billing history
      • Click to download a monthly statement. 
      • To download invoices (Stripe, Fortnox), click or
      • To download all invoices within the month, click Download all.

      Update payment information

      • On the project page, click and select Company settings.
      • Open the Billing tab, then select Billing detail.
      • Click Change, update your card details and click Save.

      Update billing information

      • On the project page, click and select Company settings
      • Open the  Billing tab, then select Billing detail.
      • Select Edit to add Billing Information.
      • Click Save once done. 

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