What is Reference Column?
Reference is a special column data type. It allows you to point to data and values in another column in another Grid. You can therefore refer to your existing content from various locations. When updated, the changes are populated everywhere.
If you are not familiar with Gridly and Column Data types, please refer to this article to learn more about Column Data Types.
Create a Reference Column
- Click in the header to add a new column, or you can simply scroll as far right as you can on your Grid, then click the large + button.
- Select Reference in Data type.
Select a Reference Grid and Reference column
You can select Reference Grid and Reference column from the drop-down list.
A reference Grid contains records (or cells) that you want to link to another Grid. These Grids must be in the same database in order to be able to make references.
Similarly, a reference column is a column in the reference Grid that you wish to link to your current Grid. You can select values to display in your current Grid from this column only.
Select reference type and reference selection type
Next, select the reference type and reference selection type by checking the options, then click Save.
Reference Type
Selecting reference types are important when there are multiple reference columns in the Grid. This will affect how values are displayed in the reference columns. There are 2 reference types: Reference to record and reference to cell value.
- Reference to record: Data in this column will link to data in the column of the referenced Grid. Cell values in both reference columns will change if there are changes in a reference column (primary column).
If this reference type is selected, you must select a primary column. Primary column is the only reference column that can impact other reference columns with the same Reference Grid. Once set, the rest will be locked and you can’t edit data in these columns.
When a new reference column is created, it is set as the Primary column by default. You can have multiple primary columns for different Reference Grids in your Grid, but there is only one primary for one Reference Grid.
- Reference to cell value: The reference columns in a same Reference Grid do not link to each other. Cell values in a reference column won’t change if there are changes in the other reference columns.
Reference selection type
There are two options for Reference selection type:
- Multiple: Check this type to select multiple values from your Reference column.
- Single: Check this type if you want to be able to select a single value from your Reference column.
Now you've finished creating Reference column and making references to other Grids in your Database, click here to learn how to Organize Columns .