This article will guide you to use Pre-Translation Wizard. With just a few clicks, this feature can auto-populate your Grid with matching Translation Memory entries and fill in the rest with glossary-aided Machine Translation.

Pre-Translation Wizard is still in Beta. Let us know what you think about this feature here.
To use Pre-Translation Wizard, your Grid must have language columns and dependencies.
Click the button at the top toolbar and select Pre-Translation Wizard. This will bring up the Pre-Translation Wizard dialog.

Here you can configure these settings:
- Choose source language: Select the source language in your Grid.
- Choose target language: Select the target language for auto translation.
Auto fill translation in TM: Automatically insert matching Translation Memory (TM) entries.
- Override existing text with TM: Replace current texts in the target language column with TM entries.
Auto translate with Machine Translation
Use Machine Translation service: Choose a service for Machine Translation (GPT-4o Text Translate, Google Text Translate, Amazon Text Translate). Depends on the service, there will be more sub-settings:
- GPT-4o Text Translate: Detailed translation context (optional), Gridly glossary
- Google Text Translate: Glossary file
- Amazon Text Translate: Profanity masking, Formal language, Glossary file
Use Machine Translation service: Choose a service for Machine Translation (GPT-4o Text Translate, Google Text Translate, Amazon Text Translate). Depends on the service, there will be more sub-settings:
When you are ready, click Start.

After Auto Translation completes, Gridly will report back the results, including:
- The number of inserted TM entries.
- The number of translations by Machine Translation.

If you are looking for a comprehensive analysis of Translation Memory statistics, Gridly offers an advanced Translation Analysis feature that provides in-depth breakdown of your TM data.